
Teddy is our highland bull. He is only about 18 months old and 38 inches now. He has the sweetest personality and loves treats. We can't wait to see his babies in a couple of years. 



Lola was born May 26 this year. The product of Momma and Weston. Can't wait to see how she turns out. 



Black Betty

Betty is one of our original Angus cows. She has given us a calf every year. 


Sarah is a Panda Highland cross heifer. We can't wait to see what we get with the bulls we have. She stands at 38 inches now.


Weston is our mature bull. He is a Panda Highland cross that stands at 42 inches. He is stout sweet boy. He loves back scratches.  We got our first round of calves this year from him. They are all beautiful.


Major was born on May 24 this year. Major got his name because he was a major surprise. He is the product of Black Betty , a full size Angus and Weston. 


Big Bertha

Bertha is also one of our original Angus cows. She also has given us a calf every year. We certainly weren't expecting a calf this year due to Weston's size.


Momma is such a sweet girl. She is our  Dexter that we plan to milk after we wean her calf this year. 





Patch is the product of our other full size Angus, Big Bertha, and Weston. Patch was born on June 5 this year.




Holly is our Dexter heifer out of Momma.  We are excited to see what she produces with both of our bulls.


Meet our cows

We have mostly crossbred cattle. We are working on a breeding program. Let us know if you see something you are interested in .


Nigerian Dwarf Goats

These guys are adorable but boy are they busy. These two are super spoiled. We are considering getting a third one. We are planning on milking next year. 


Coca is our male. He was not bottle raised but he is learning to be very frirendly.


Tinkerbell was raised on a bottle here from 1 week old. She has no idea she is a goat. She actually thinks she is a human.


Stormy Was born on our farm on a stormy night (surprise) in 2002. He has been here most of his life. He spent a short time at a friends. He is quarter pony. He was a stallion for his first 8 years. he will never leave us and we are hopeful he will be a great lesson horse.


Pumpkin is new here. She came here from a kill pen. DJ named her. She seems to be more comfortable here and turning out to be very good with the kids. 


We bought Wrangler at an auction when he was a 4 year old. He is the best horse for small kids, as you can see. His biggest downfall is he ca be a bit lazy.


Eleanor is a work in progress. She came with Pumpkin from the kill pen. Eleanor is a mustang and was with about a dozen others panicked mustangs in the pen. She is slowly beginning to trust us, She doesn't have a mean bone in her body just very traumatized. 


Peppy was also born here, Stormy is her sire. Peppy's dam is a mustang. She has the sweetest temperament but so strong willed. Peppy is a small sturdy horse, built like a small quarter horse. 


I know it's not the norm but we aren't concerned with pedigree on the farm. We are concerned with demeaner and have rescued several horses. 

 Most of our horses come here and stay, those that leave do so with a buy back contract. We love our animals like family and follow them after they leave.

Everything Else

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's souls remains unawakened." Anatole France

Strawberry Patch

We planted a dozen strawberry plants this year. We just picked our first ripe strawberry. It was the juiciest sweetest strawberry I have ever eaten. I can't wait for it to be a full strawberry patch.


We are all learning about gardening, Grandma Lorus, Cassie, and me. We have a small raised bed with tomatos, peppers, onions, and green beans. A small ground bed with melons (cantaloupe and watermelon). 

Chickens and Guineas and Ducks

We have a menagerie have chickens. We have chosen chickens for their laying abilities. Typically I choose my chicks by breed but this last order we just got a laying assortment and have no idea what they are other than pretty. Starlord, our  new rooster, was in that laying assortment, LOL. Our ducks were the last ones left and 1/2 price because they were getting feathers.  The guineas were also the last ones, we hope they make it on the homestead, they are great to get rid of ticks.

The Barn Kitty

We only have one kitty but we are hoping for more to keep the rodents down in the barns. We had a pair but life on the homestead is tough. 







Learning and Growing Every Day

"Animals are less wild and more human than many humans of this world" Munia Khan